My Christmas poem to my dad

father christmas
Christmas is here once again
Another year with you not here
As all the festivities begin
I remember

You always got that one special thing
No matter how hard or rare
Santa would make sure to bring
it and have it there for me.

In the morning barely light
We would gather around
That silver pom pom tree
with the color wheel.

After pinching brother
To get him awake
We could finally one by one
Taking turns slowly

Open the presents
Wonderful things
Odd I don’t remember most of them
I do remember your joy in watching.

After everything was done
the ham in the oven
the pies out to cool
Your favorite mince with icing

So many memories
for all those years
they come back to me
and in a way

So do you.
Merry Christmas in Heaven Daddy
I miss you.

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